Saturday, March 28, 2015

52 in 2015: Update

Now that we are about one quarter of the way through the year I thought I'd do a quick update about the books I've been reading.  I've definitely made some progress in the past six weeks, and am still ahead of schedule, but am going a little more slowly now.  I read one book a week.

The entire list is below, with the books read since the last post in bold with some brief comments.

Every Bitter Thing is Sweet by Sara Hagerty
Interrupted by Jen Hatmaker
7 by Jen Hatmaker
Breaking Free by Beth Moore
A Long Obedience in the Same Direction by Eugene Peterson
The Envy of Eve by Melissa Kruger
Recapture the Wonder by Ravi Zacharias
Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott
Depression: Looking Up From The Stubborn Darkness (Edward T. Welch) – I think I will write a post just on this book.  It gave me a lot to think about, though I didn’t agree with everything.
Quiet: the Power of Introverts in a World that can't Stop Talking (Susan Cain) – a little dry but fun for an introvert to read.
The Fringe Hours (Jessica Turner) – enjoyable but not life-changing (for me, anyway. I can see how others might be wowed.)
Jesus the King (Timothy Keller) – a study of the book of Mark.  I learned a ton and saw some stories I’ve heard since childhood in a whole new light.

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie (Alan Bradley)
Big Little Lies (Liane Moriarty)
The Magician’s Nephew (C.S. Lewis)
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe (C.S. Lewis) – I read the entire Narnia series as a child and plan to work my way through them this year as well.  This time I through I find myself paying less attention to the plot and maybe more attention to the deeper meanings and parallels.  I found The Magician’s Nephew particularly beautiful in this regard.
The Good Girl (Mary Kubica) – this book was on a list of recommended reading for those who enjoyed Gone Girl.  It wasn’t nearly as good (in my opinion) but did hold my interest and I read it quickly.
The Invention of Wings (Sue Monk Kidd) – I finished this one today.  AMAZING.  Really.  Get it now and read it.  This is a historical fiction novel and tells the story of Sarah and Angelina Grimke, two early abolitionists and feminists who grew up as slaveholders in Charleston.  It is fantastic.  I never read Sue’s other book, The Secret Life of Bees, but plan to now.

Currently Reading:
Sabbath (Wayne Muller) – reading through this one slowly, as the chapters are brief and meant for contemplation.
He Chose the Nails (Max Lucado) – I plan to read (and finish) this during Holy Week
Year of Wonders (Geraldine Brooks)

Total Finished as of March 28, 2015 -- 18.

Please leave comments with book recommendations!!!

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