Friday, March 13, 2015

Before 30

I've been listening to podcasts A LOT lately.  I started with Serial and quickly moved on to several others.  I listen while getting ready in the morning, while I'm cooking, at the gym....pretty much anytime I can.  If I could get away with it at work I might even be tempted to do that... ;)

Anyway, one of my favorites is The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey.  She interviews some amazing women and I find it fun and inspiring.  I listened to an older one this morning, and during the episode, Jamie and her guest discussed an article from Relevant Magazine, "15 Things to Start Doing Before You're 30".  Since I am turning 30 in 11 short months (ahh!) I figured I'd see how I measure up.

1.  Wake up earlier that you have to

I try so hard to do this.  And I guess for the most part I am successful.  I always get to work earlier than I have to because I like to get settled and check my email and messages before kids start coming in.  I definitely want to make sure in the future that I wake up before my kids vs. being awakened by my kids.  I think it will make me a better mother.

2.  Save Money

I'm getting there with this one but I need to do better.  I put money away for retirement, but need to do better with my budget and adding money to my savings account, especially since I just took out a good chunk for my Italy trip.

3.  Actually care about what you eat

Do I actually care? Yes.  Do I consistently eat in such a way that proves this? No.  Am I better than I was at 25? Yes.

4.  Create a pattern of giving in your finances.

I give myself a B-.  I give regularly, but I've felt convicted lately about the amount.

5.  Becoming friends with people much older than you

YES!  I love my "old lady friends".  They are the best thing about Lexington to me, and I have been so blessed by their kindness and wisdom.

6.  Let go of baggage from past relationships.

Ask me when I'm 30.

7.  Be content with the life you have (while still trying to accomplish your dreams).

I think I've always done well with this.  I'm more or less content with my job and my ordinary, simple life.  However, I've got this dream of being a writer one day and I'm not letting it go just yet.

8.  Read the news every day.

Yep.  And watch the news.  Except recently.  I miss Brian Williams.

9.  Learn to unplug.

Ehhhh.  I do a pretty good job on the weekends. I try to set aside about 5 hours of uninterrupted time each week for me and I put my phone on "do not disturb" during that time.  I am attached to my phone but I am able to set my boundaries with this.

10.  Find organizations or causes to support long-term.

Young Life and World Vision are my big two right now and probably will be for a long time, but I am open to more, especially as I seek God's will for my giving.

11. Make exercise a lifestyle.

I think if a teacher was writing comments on my report card they would read, "Needs improvement, but shows good effort".  Ha.  I'm in the same place I am with my eating habits.

12.  Actively combat spiritual complacency.

Hmmm.  Can we ever say we've accomplished this?  It will be the fight of my whole life.

13.  Be intentional with relationships

Being a single woman in Lexington with a demanding job has made this a necessity.  I find that I am both naturally inclined to this and naturally disabled with this.  I'm an introvert, so I desire deep friendships and don't want to waste time, but I'm also an introvert so I like to go home from work and put on sweats and watch TV with my dog.  It's a blessing and a curse.

14.  Buy things that last

Slowly working on this.  I can only do so much since I live in a partially-furnished house.  I am saving for nice things though. :)

15.  Make margins in your life.

I've improved in this area dramatically since December.

And there you have it.  How is everyone else doing?  Anybody have any advice for me?

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