Friday, October 30, 2015

To Love the Truth Day 30: Sharing the Truth

I'm a witness, not the judge.

A motivational speaker recently visited the school division in which I work, and he repeated this line many times.  It wasn't in reference to the gospel of Truth, but it stuck with me because it fits so well.

For the last thirty days, I've been sharing the Truth not as the judge, but as a witness.  I've presented my experience.  I've told you what I've seen, what I've heard, and how it's changing me.  This is my testimony.

It's a story, not a sermon.
It's an example, not a manual.

This is my story of how the Truth has transformed my life, how I've learned to walk in Truth.

That is how we are to share the Truth with outsiders. Honestly, openly, not apologetically but not judgmentally either.  We are witnesses.  We are to speak as those with personal experience.  It's not head knowledge and an intellectual exercise anymore.  It's a deeply personal story of what's happened to me, and I will tell it softly but with confidence.

I'm His witness....

Thanks for reading my testimony.

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