Thursday, October 1, 2015

31 Days to Love the Truth

Scroll down to read day 1::

Click here to read the other days. I will add a link each day as the post goes live. 

Day 2:: Why Truth?

Day 4:: Sunday Song

Day 7:: But God

Day 8:: So What?

Day 10:: Our Future Home

Day 11:: Sunday Song

Day 12:: No Longer Slaves

Day 13:: Fully Known

Day 14:: Blameless

Day 15:: Rich

Day 17:: Deeply Loved

Day 18::  Sunday Song

Day 19::  Nothing to Fear

Day 20:: He is Good

Day 22:: He Restores

Day 23:: Psalm 103

Day 24:: I Belong

Day 25:: Sunday Song

Day 26:: Walking in Truth

Day 27:: Adoration

Day 28:: Truthtellers

Day 30:: Sharing Truth

I guess you could call this my October resolution.  I am participating in 31 Days - a writing challenge in which you pick a topic and post about it every day in October.  I've read several of these series in the past couple years and I've always thought about trying it but always wimped out....mostly because I never had anything I was anxious to write about for 31 consecutive days.

But here I am.  Writing.  I guess you can thank Emily Freeman, because last night I finished her book, A Million Little Ways: Uncover the Art You Were Made to Live and I felt convicted.  I need to stop giving myself excuses for why I'm not "ready" to share my art with the world. I want to write. I've wanted to since I was a girl.  I've written so many blog posts that I never shared because they weren't good enough.

But here I am, God's poem.  And today and the rest of October I will stop censoring myself and I will write.  And I will write about Truth and what I have learned to love this year.

My inspiration comes from 2 Thessalonians, and that is where we will start today.  The phase "to love the truth" is actually found in a word of judgment in chapter 2 verse 10: "They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved."

Wow. There's already so much write here.  To love the Truth brings our salvation.  I'll be looking at Truth these next 31 days.  What is Truth?  How do we love it?  Join me this month as I think through it right here.

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