Tuesday, October 27, 2015

To Love the Truth Day 27: Adoration

The very first book I read in 2015 set a great tone for my year, as I learn to love the Truth.  Every Bitter Thing is Sweet by Sara Hagerty is beautiful and challenging -- she speaks of Truth in the midst of hardship -- tasting the goodness of God in all things.  I highly recommend the book, but it's not what I want to share today.

On Sara's blog and Instagram pages she shares what she calls "Adorations" every day.  These adorations are a result of years of her daily Bible study method.  Simply put, she reads the Truth and then translates it back to praise.  She describes it as "inhaling His word and exhaling praise."  She publishes these meditations a month in advance.

I've started practicing these adorations in my own Bible reading.  This year I'm trying to read the whole Bible in a year, and I find that some books are harder to connect with than others (minor prophets, I'm looking at you).  Now I try to find a characteristic of God within the passage and praise Him for who He is.  Reasons to adore Him are everywhere.

Take today's reading for example.  I read Jeremiah 31 and found four adorations that I recorded in my journal.

God is my Husband.
God is my father.
God is my Shepherd.
God is my Comforter.

Four Truths that are worthy of praise.

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