Saturday, October 24, 2015

To Love the Truth Day 24: I Belong

Today I'm sharing some truth that I struggle to believe.  I accept that it is true, but often feel like it's not proving true for me.  And I often wonder how different my life would be if I fully embraced this truth and walked in it daily.  That's the love the be found walking in the truth.

I'm turning 30 in a matter of months. My mom had four kids by the time she was 30, and while I never had a specific goal of matching her on that front, I always expected that I would be married with children by now.  The reality is that I don't even have any friendships with single men right now.  I am quite lonely and while I do not mourn my singleness, I do want to be a wife and mother more than anything and I worry that it's never going to happen.

The hardest part of all this is that during the week I'm not bothered.  I may be single but it makes no difference at work. I am a leader in my workplace.  I am successful and respected.  I am on my way to being a school principal.

But then we get to Sunday and suddenly there's no hiding. I'm alone. I'm a single woman in the church....and so there must be something wrong with me.  Suddenly I feel like I'm no longer a legitimate adult....that I'm demoted to the bench or the JV squad....that's there's nothing that I can help with.

The lies come hard and fast on Sundays.  They say I'm a second-class citizen.  They tell me I still need to sit at the kids' table.  They tell me I have no place in the body...that I will never belong until I have a husband and family.

Why do I feel this way in the one place I should never question my worth?

And so on Sundays I have to tell myself the truth: I am a daughter of the King. I am loved. I am his workmanship -- his masterpiece -- his handiwork -- created to do good works that God prepared and dreamed up before I was born.  Not only do I have a place and a seat at this table, I have a purpose.  There is a role for me that no one else can fill.  Maybe I haven't discovered it yet but that doens't mean that it doesn't exist.

I belong.  I belong to Him.  I am a treasured part of this family.  And one day I will believe and live it.

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