Sunday, October 31, 2010

Why Can't I Ever Remember to Blog?


There are so many great stories I could tell about work and life lately.  This blog could be extremely entertaining.  Unfortunately, I never have my camera with me to capture the moments (or I don't remember to take it out of my purse and snap a photo), and then I forget to write about it later.

I run out of energy and don't feel like sitting at the computer when I get home from work.

So I'm sorry.  I will try to do better.  This past week would have been a great one to blog about (spirit week at school -- crazy outfits and some of the best office pranks of all time)....but I fail at life and didn't think to take any pictures and I'm too tired to type it all out now.

This week will be amazing, too.  I work three days this week, and on Tuesday the kids have the day off for Election Day (get out and vote, people, especially if you happen to live in Colorado Springs -- vote for Owen Hill for State Senate)!  Then on Thursday I fly to St. Louis for Laura Mark's wedding.  I am so excited to see her and Adam get married, and to catch up with some of my dearest Grove City friends!

I WILL take my camera with  me and I WILL take pictures and I WILL blog about it all when I get back!

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