Sunday, December 13, 2015

Sunday Song: Advent #3

Today, on this third Sunday of Advent, we light the candle of Joy.  His arrival is close -- the light is growing brighter.

Joy:: our time of rejoicing is almost here.  Jesus came that we might have JOY.  In all things, in spite of all things.

Sarah Bessey wrote about it beautifully, so please take the time to read her words here.

Today's song is from Meredith Andrews. It's a modern take on "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen" that I first heard the Sunday after the Newtown shootings three years ago.

He came to redeem it all.  To bring us joy in all things, in spite of all things.  He brings light to the darkness.

The hope for all mankind.  Born to give us life.

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